I woke up this morning to find the triplets and Maggie stacking and counting their presents under the tree. I should first mention that these 5 year olds can't even read cursive. In fact, I noticed that the small batch whiskey that I bought for Dad somehow ended up in the Josie pile.
I introduce myself to Maggie at the end of every evening. "Nice to meet you Maggie, I'm your mother. I'll be in charge of bathing, feeding, and clothing you for the next 20 years. " She can't be separated from her cousins for even mere seconds or she'll go in to withdraw. You know the symptoms; curling up in the fetal position and banging her head against the wall. I find small comfort in the fact that they're all like this....in fact some of her cousins can't even pull themselves away from each other to go to the bathroom. Accidents abound...I can't imagine being so engrossed making clothespin ornaments that I forget to go to the bathroom. Now Facebook that's another thing entirely.
Last night we went to the annual Lights Before Christmas at the Toledo zoo. As per usual, it was freezing, but it's tradition dammit. The kids took a carousal ride (Maggie on the cheetah, of course) which is a mere 300 feet from the entrance. We took the token picture and left....all of this took over an hour.